Wednesday, October 11, 2006

aha!! now i FINALLY have da chance to blog! its not bcoz of am lazy nor really bz. juz that fucking INTI connection damn cacat-ed la lately~ it HAD been very very bad but now WORST! imagine that!! *sobsob* thts why didnt blog.
mmmm,, so many to blog abt lar but suddenly all gone! sh00t!
okay, cameron trip? was.... OK! i juz LOVE the scnery and the weather LOADS!! its really cooling.. whoa, tell u .. 1st time me stayin in an apartment w/o aircond nor fan BUT its DAMN DAMN DAMN COLD!!! hehe! one converter is NOT ENUF man!!
well, pergi cameron u expect apa la kawan? of coz juz to chill, and go for thier weather + scenery ba! haiy0oe.. somemore got ppl come 2 me and say NOT SO NICE ... of coz not nice for u la dik! coz u putus cinta! muahaha..sad sad sad case~hish`` but overall i think was OK. we went to strawberry park, bee /honey park, tea farm... ...~ blardie hell, tot can go in and plug my own strawberry BUT cant! have to pay RM30 for a kg and ONLY 4 person allowed .. hmmph`` so didnt manage to go in BUT kelvin stole a HUGE strawberry from a plant for me!! muahah`` bad bad us!
during the nite we had steamboat and went to thier night market~ went back, they start 2 drink. brought 1 chivas and 1 barcadi(hope i didnt spell wrongly)
uhmmm few got drunk BT not me ok! hahah,, i didnt really drink aso~ well, not many drunk coz juz a lil' to drink as too many ppl so have to share out. mmmm,, choilin was drunk!!(AS USUAL) hehe
billion thx to those who went!!
well, nx trip where? TIOMAN? A FAMOSA? which 1 better anyone?

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Anonymous Anonymous said... i can go diving....

9:20 AM, October 11, 2006  
Blogger .: p a u l y n e :. said...

u can dive BUT NOT all of us la PIG!

4:06 PM, October 11, 2006  

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