Friday, February 10, 2006


OmFg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!am like....farking freaking happie!! gOsH!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaaahahahahah...
am gOiN cRaZiE i GuEsS!!! bUt i dun give a daMn cOz am soOo freakin xCitEd fOr tMr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bahahhaa....aiyoOo...reaLiE dunnO hOw 2 XpResS mA feeLingz nOw!! iTs liKe...happier than kena TOTO eh! pehh...fuyooo...hiakhiak!!
fEeL LikE sHouTiNg oUt LoUd tO teLL dA whoLe wOrLd am So bLooDdIeee ePpiE rIte nOw!!!muahahahahhaha...goshh..eVeN wOrDs aSo cAnT dEsCrIbE hOw epPie aM i RigHt nOw~ (jumping)
mUaCkZ!!! LuRvE u fOr tHat! ahahaha...*burp
cOmE mOrE aNd i'll lUrVe u mOrE...kua..kua..kua..

gOoD dAe peOpLe!!
tOniTe dinNeR On mE!!(for those who saw my blog today and call me rite after reading it-
closing time:: before 7pm,09/02/2006 [thursday]
note::NOT included OUTA nilai..)
for more infomation pls call up..hiakhiak! =p


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